Building on Value: A New Opportunity in Credit

Our Vice Chairman Bill Lipsey sits down with Founder Rich Pzena and our Head of Leveraged Loans/High Yield Credit Mark Heron to discuss the launch of the Pzena Focused Credit Opportunities strategy – including how it came to be, how it aligns with our value philosophy, and how it benefits from the industry expertise of our equity research team.

This recording is for institutional investors, and in the UK for professional investors and eligible counterparties only. Any views and statements expressed in this recording are those of Pzena Investment Management, are based on internal research, and are subject to change. It does not constitute investment advice. Your capital is at risk and past performance is not an indicator of future performance.  These materials are intended solely for informational purposes and reflect the current views of Pzena Investment Management as of the date hereof.

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Recording Date: May 9th, 2024