Global Banks: Resilience in the Face of Crisis
(June 2020)
Against the volatile backdrop of today’s economic environment, bank stocks stand out. We believe banks are broadly in good shape relative to other segments of the economy and are better equipped to absorb losses than in the past. In our view, the banking system today can sustain a once-in-a-century level of loan losses without the risk of meaningful dilution to equity owners.
Whether you choose to read the thought piece or listen to the companion podcast featuring Portfolio Manager John Flynn and Senior Research Analyst Eric Hagemann, we hope you find the discussion both informative and insightful.
Thought Leadership
A deeper dive into the value opportunity for global banks
Our bottom-up analysis confirms our belief that banking is one of the most compelling areas for investment.
PzenaPerspectives – our value investing podcast
Portfolio Manager John Flynn and Senior Research Analyst Eric Hagemann analyze today’s value opportunity in global banks.
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