International Small Cap Update

October 2024 – For Professional Investors Only

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International small-cap stocks are attractively valued and have historically generated better returns than large caps. They offer a broader, more diverse, less correlated, and undiscovered universe of opportunities.

We believe today is a particularly attractive entry point for small-cap stocks internationally. Despite rising 85% since the depths of COVID, international small-cap stocks are trading at near-generational lows relative to international large-cap stocks (Exhibit 1).

Line graph showing the International Small CapsRelative Valuations (MSCI World ex USA Small & Large Cap Relative Price/Earnings Ratio) from June 30 2004 through June 30 2024. Source: FactSet, Pzena Analysis


Small-cap investing is a cousin of value investing. While small-cap investors search among undiscovered stocks, value investors search among unpopular stocks. As such, it should not be surprising that pairing small-cap with value investing has generated superior historical returns.


Small-cap stocks, especially those outside the US, provide access to a wide array of niche businesses, currencies, economies, regulatory regimes, languages, and market cycles. Understanding these nuances across different geographical areas can present lucrative opportunities; however, specific skills and judgment are required.

Historically, although small caps have exhibited higher short-term volatility than their large-cap counterparts, they have generated better risk-adjusted returns, while offering a broader, more diverse, and less correlated universe of stocks.

Performance: International small-cap stocks have beaten their large-cap equivalents by approximately 60 basis points per year since 1975, and small-cap value stocks have beaten the style-neutral broader small-cap index by approximately 480 basis points per year (Exhibit 2).

Exhibit 2. A bar chart showing MSCI World ex USA Annualized returns for Large Cap, Small Cap, and Small Cap value since 1975 through 2024. Large cap is at 9.1%, Small Cap is at 9.7%, and Small Cap Value is at 14.5%. Source: Sanford C. Bernstein & Co, MSCI, and Pzena Analysis.


We believe it is a particularly attractive time for international small-cap value. The current fundamentals of the cheapest quintile of small-cap stocks are significantly better than those of the most expensive stocks. The cheapest stocks have also performed considerably better historically.

Exhibit 3. Two tables comparing returns for International Small Cap by quintile for Historical Return on Equity, Historical Revenue Growth, and Forward P/E in the first table, as well as the Annualized Return Since 1990. Source: FactSet, Kenneth R. French, and Pzena Analysis


As an underallocated, underfollowed asset class, small-cap investing is especially attractive for active management, because it is a less crowded corner of the equity universe.

Undiscovered: Small-cap value stocks – and small-cap stocks more generally – tend to attract less attention from equity research firms than large caps. Thirty-four percent of international small-cap stocks are followed by fewer than four analysts, compared with just three percent of international large-cap stocks (source: FactSet). The lack of analyst coverage is partly due to the large number of companies within the small-cap universe relative to the large-cap universe. Thin analyst coverage typically manifests in less company information available to the investment community, which may lead to investment controversy not being widely understood. With less Wall Street analyst coverage, earnings estimates and annual returns are also more dispersed (Exhibit 4).

Exhibit 4. A bar chart comparing Broker Eanrings Estimates and Stock Price Dispersion in the MSCI World ex USA Index and the MSCI World Ex USA Small Cap Index. The MSCI World ex USA Index shows 10% Dispersion of Broker Earnings Estimates and 30% Stock Price Dispersion. The MSCI World ex USA Small Cap Index shows 38% Dispersion of Broker Earnings Estimates and 44% Stock Price Dispersion. Source FactSet and Pzena Analysis. The standard deviation of returns calculated annually from December 31 2003 through December 31 2023.

Uncertainty around cashflows and earnings creates opportunities for active managers to outperform through deep fundamental research. Successfully investing in a universe with a dearth of analyst coverage requires a dedicated research team with a disciplined process; our team canvasses the globe, sifting through the broad and diverse international small-cap universe in efforts to find truly outstanding potential investment opportunities.


As with all strategies at Pzena, we manage our International Small Cap Focused Value strategy with a focus on building concentrated portfolios of undervalued businesses, often experiencing temporary issues.

We utilize our proprietary screening tool StockAnalyzer to sift through the cheapest 20% of the vast small-cap investment universe for potential research candidates and assign research priority to the most interesting companies.

Our 30 research analysts cover companies according to global industry. When we research a small-cap company, our industry analysts often already have a deep knowledge of the competitive landscape, as well as the customer and supplier bases across the globe. The impact of this knowledge base is particularly crucial in the small cap universe, given the underfollowed nature and the unique dynamics of the companies in the universe, many of which operate in niche businesses.

The product of our process is an educated estimate of normalized earnings, as well as a thesis for how company management can turn around the business. Crucial to outperforming is focusing on purchasing good companies trading at steep discounts, due to temporary distress, which is often idiosyncratic and company-specific in nature.

Our rigorous fundamental research, paired with a structured process to uncover potential ideas across a broad, underfollowed, underallocated universe, gives us the opportunity to achieve meaningful outperformance over the long term.